In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Traits of Idol Worshipers
[98:6] Those who disbelieved among the people of the scripture, and the idol worshipers, have incurred the fire of Gehenna forever. They are the worst creatures.
[98:7] Those who believed and led a righteous life are the best creatures.
[98:8] Their reward at their Lord is the gardens of Eden with flowing streams, wherein they abide forever. GOD is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. Such is the reward for those who reverence their Lord.
The Arabic word used for idol worship in the Quran is "shirk". The root for that word is SHa- Ra- Ka which simply means taking part in and sharing. In the context of the Quran, idol worship is to consider entities besides God to take part in issuing religious laws and regulations in addition to what God has issued for us. Another aspect expressed in the Quran is that other entities besides God could dominate our mind and control our life so we become preoccupied and obsessed with rather than devoting our life and worship to God alone. This is considered idol worship since those entities share the authority on us with God.
It is unquestionable that idol worship is a form of disbelief in God as it shatters the one basic foundation of His monotheistic message to humanity - there is no god except Me, worship Me alone (21:25).
Based on that, the abomination of idol worship (22:30) is unforgivable and leads us to an eternal Hell since it represents a concrete opposition of God and the one and only monotheistic path approved and decreed by Him.. Logically speaking, it nullifies all the righteous deeds. Why would righteous deeds be of any benefit to our souls if, by our own volition, we are destined to Hell any way through polytheism?
The Unforgivable Sin [4:48] GOD does not forgive idolatry,* but He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who sets up idols beside GOD, has forged a horrendous offense.
The Unforgivable Sin [4:116] GOD does not forgive idol worship (if maintained until death),* and He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who idolizes any idol beside GOD has strayed far astray.
[4:18] Not acceptable is the repentance of those who commit sins until death comes to them, then say, "Now I repent." Nor is it acceptable from those who die as disbelievers. For these, we have prepared a painful retribution.
Idol Worship Nullifies All Work [39:65] It has been revealed to you, and to those before you that if you ever commit idol worship, all your works will be nullified, and you will be with the losers.
[3:151] We will throw terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, since they set up besides GOD powerless idols. Their destiny is Hell; what a miserable abode for the transgressors!
This reminder is not about listing some of the versions of idol worship, or naming some of the most common idols. The following are only some characteristics of the idol worshipers described by God . They should serve as a divine measuring stick that we should all use if we care to EXAMINE our souls, and STRIVE to make the right decisions. Glory be to God. He didn't narrate any of these examples and patterns for our entertainment. We should reflect, implore, and repent while reading them. We should seek refuge in God from taking anything for granted, including our guidance, and our knowledge (18:103-106).
- They divert from the path of God:
[14:30] They set up rivals to rank with GOD and to divert others from His path. Say, "Enjoy for awhile; your final destiny is Hell."
[6:26] They repel others from this (Quran), as they themselves stay away from it, and thus, they only destroy themselves without perceiving.
- They hate to hear about God alone or Quran alone:
[42:13] He decreed for you the same religion decreed for Noah, and what we inspired to you, and what we decreed for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: "You shall uphold this one religion, and do not divide it." The idol worshipers will greatly resent what you invite them to do. GOD redeems to Himself whomever He wills; He guides to Himself only those who totally submit.
[39:45] When GOD ALONE is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter shrink with aversion. But when OTHERS are mentioned beside Him, they become satisfied.
[17:46] We place shields around their minds, to prevent them from understanding it, and deafness in their ears. And when you preach your Lord, using the Quran ALONE they run away in aversion.
- Just like their master, Satan, they are full of hatred towards the believers:
[2:105] Neither the disbelievers among the followers of the scripture, nor the idol worshipers, wish to see any blessings come down to you from your Lord. However, GOD showers His blessings upon whomever He chooses. GOD possesses infinite grace.
[5:82] You will find that the worst enemies of the believers are the Jews and the idol worshipers. And you will find that the closest people in friendship to the believers are those who say, "We are Christian." This is because they have priests and monks among them, and they are not arrogant.
- They are eaten up by their egos, thus, stuck in their idolatry:
[98:1] Those who disbelieved among the people of the scripture, as well as the idol worshipers, insist on their ways, despite the proof given to them.*
[6:25] Some of them listen to you, but we place veils on their hearts to prevent them from understanding, and deafness in their ears. Thus, no matter what kind of proof they see, they cannot believe. Thus, when they come to argue with you, the disbelievers say, "These are tales from the past."
- They are among the worst creatures, full of disbelief:
[5:60] Say, "Let me tell you who are worse in the sight of GOD: those who are condemned by GOD after incurring His wrath until He made them (as despicable as) monkeys and pigs, and the idol worshipers. These are far worse, and farther from the right path."
[5:61] When they come to you, they say, "We believe," even though they were full of disbelief when they entered, and they are full of disbelief when they leave. GOD is fully aware of everything they conceal.
- One of their flimsy excuses is:
[39:3] Absolutely, the religion shall be devoted to GOD alone. Those who set up idols beside Him say, "We idolize them only to bring us closer to GOD; for they are in a better position!" GOD will judge them regarding their disputes. GOD does not guide such liars, disbelievers.
[46:28] Why then did the idols they set up to bring them closer to GOD fail to help them? Instead, they abandoned them. Such were the false gods they idolized; such were the innovations they fabricated.
[19:81] They worship beside GOD other gods that (they think) may be of help to them.
[19:82] On the contrary, they will reject their idolatry, and will be their enemies.
- Another excuse is:
[2:170] When they are told, "Follow what GOD has revealed herein," they say, "We follow only what we found our parents doing." What if their parents did not understand, and were not guided?
[2:171] The example of such disbelievers is that of parrots who repeat what they hear of sounds and calls, without understanding. Deaf, dumb, and blind; they cannot understand.
- Or this:
[6:148] The idol worshipers say, "Had GOD willed, we would not practice idolatry, nor would our parents, nor would we prohibit anything." Thus did those before them disbelieve, until they incurred our retribution. Say, "Do you have any proven knowledge that you can show us? You follow nothing but conjecture; you only guess."
- They do not perceive their idolatry. They are led on by God towards their inevitable destiny:
Idol Worshipers Deny Their Idolatry
[6:22] On the day when we summon them all, we will ask the idol worshipers, "Where are the idols you set up?"
[6:23] Their disastrous response will be, "By GOD our Lord, we NEVER were idol worshipers."
[6:24] Note how they lied to themselves, and how the idols they had invented have abandoned them.
[6:26] They repel others from this (Quran), as they themselves stay away from it, and thus, they only destroy themselves without perceiving.
[20:124] "As for the one who disregards My message, he will have a miserable life, and we resurrect him, on the Day of Resurrection, blind."
[20:125] He will say, "My Lord, why did you summon me blind, when I used to be a seer?"
[20:126] He will say, "Because you forgot our revelations when they came to you, you are now forgotten."
- They are liars:
[6:27] If only you could see them when they face the hellfire! They would say then, "Woe to us. Oh, we wish we could go back, and never reject our Lord's revelations, and join the believers."
[6:28] As a matter of fact, (they only say this because) their secrets have been exposed. If they go back, they will commit exactly the same crimes. They are liars.
[16:86] And when those who committed idol worship see their idols, they will say, "Our Lord, these are the idols we had set up beside You." The idols will then confront them and say, "You are liars."
- They attain certainty when it is too late:
[6:29] They say (subconsciously), "We live only this life; we will not be resurrected."
[6:30] If you could only see them when they stand before their Lord! He would say, "Is this not the truth?" They would say, "Yes, by our Lord." He would say, "You have incurred the retribution by your disbelief."
[6:31] Losers indeed are those who disbelieve in meeting GOD, until the Hour comes to them suddenly, then say, "We deeply regret wasting our lives in this world." They will carry loads of their sins on their backs; what a miserable load!
[16:87] They will totally submit to GOD on that day, and the idols they had invented will disown them.
[25:27] The day will come when the transgressor will bite his hands (in anguish) and say, "Alas, I wish I had followed the path with the messenger.
[25:28] "Alas, woe to me, I wish I did not take that person as a friend.
[25:29] "He has led me away from the message after it came to me. Indeed, the devil lets down his human victims."
- They commit evil:
[6:137] Thus were the idol worshipers duped by their idols, to the extent of killing their own children.* In fact, their idols inflict great pain upon them, and confuse their religion for them. Had GOD willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their fabrications.
[5:62] You see many of them readily committing evil and transgression, and eating from illicit earnings. Miserable indeed is what they do.
- Birds of a feather flock together:
[24:3] The adulterer will end up marrying an adulteress or an idol worshiper, and the adulteress will end up marrying an adulterer or an idol worshiper. This is prohibited for the believers.
- God is angry with them - who is worthy of His punishment and who is worthy of His total redemption?- read and reflect:
[33:73] For GOD will inevitably punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, and the idol worshiping men and the idol worshiping women. GOD redeems the believing men and the believing women. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
[48:5] He will certainly admit the believing men and women into gardens with flowing streams, wherein they abide forever. He will remit their sins. This is, in the sight of GOD, a great triumph.
[48:6] And He will requite the hypocrite men and women and the idol worshiping men and women, for they have harbored evil thoughts about GOD. Their evil will backfire against them. For GOD is angry with them, condemns them, and has prepared for them Gehenna. What a miserable destiny!
The irony is that all of their idols are utterly powerless!!
Idol Worship: Not Very Intelligent [16:73] Yet, they worship beside GOD what possesses no provisions for them in the heavens, nor on earth, nor can provide them with anything.
[35:14] If you call on them, they cannot hear you. Even if they hear you, they cannot respond to you. On the Day of Resurrection, they will disown you. None can inform you like the Most Cognizant.
[22:71] Yet, they idolize beside GOD idols wherein He placed no power, and they know nothing about them. The transgressors have no helper.
[43:86] None of those whom they idolize beside Him possess any power to intercede, unless their intercession coincides with the truth, and they fully know.
Moreover, they have no clue that they have been idolized!!
[46:5] Who is farther astray than those who idolize beside GOD idols that can never respond to them until the Day of Resurrection, and are totally unaware of their worship?
[10:28] On the day when we summon them all, we will say to those who worshiped idols, "We have summoned you, together with your idols." We will have them confront each other, and their idols will say to them, "We had no idea that you idolized us.
[10:29] "GOD suffices as a witness between us and you, that we were completely unaware of your worshiping us."
[3:79] Never would a human being whom GOD blessed with the scripture and prophethood say to the people, "Idolize me beside GOD." Instead, (he would say), "Devote yourselves absolutely to your Lord alone," according to the scripture you preach and the teachings you learn.
[3:80] Nor would he command you to idolize the angels and the prophets as lords. Would he exhort you to disbelieve after becoming submitters?
Interesting testimonies against the idol worshipers on the Day of Judgment:
Their records will testify:
[24:24] The day will come when their own tongues, hands, and feet will bear witness to everything they had done.
The Video Record [41:21] They will say to their skins, "Why did you bear witness against us?" They will reply, "GOD made us speak up; He is the One who causes everything to speak. He is the One who created you the first time, and now you have been returned to Him."
The devils will say:
[14:22] And the devil will say, after the judgment had been issued, "GOD has promised you the truthful promise, and I promised you, but I broke my promise. I had no power over you; I simply invited you, and you accepted my invitation. Therefore, do not blame me, and blame only yourselves. My complaining cannot help you, nor can your complaining help me. I have disbelieved in your idolizing me. The transgressors have incurred a painful retribution."
[50:27] His companion said, "Our Lord, I did not mislead him; he was far astray."
The idols will say:
[28:62] The day will come when He calls upon them, saying, "Where are those idols you had set up beside Me?"
[28:63] Those who incurred the judgment will say, "Our Lord, these are the ones we misled; we misled them only because we ourselves had gone astray. We now devote ourselves totally to You. They were not really worshiping us."
[28:64] It will be said, "Call upon your idols (to help you)." They will call upon them, but they will not respond. They will suffer the retribution, and wish that they were guided!
Jesus will say:
[5:116] GOD will say, "O Jesus, son of Mary,* did you say to the people, `Make me and my mother idols beside GOD?' " He will say, "Be You glorified. I could not utter what was not right. Had I said it, You already would have known it. You know my thoughts, and I do not know Your thoughts. You know all the secrets.
[5:117] "I told them only what You commanded me to say, that: `You shall worship GOD, my Lord and your Lord.' I was a witness among them for as long as I lived with them. When You terminated my life on earth, You became the Watcher over them. You witness all things.
[5:118] "If You punish them, they are Your constituents. If You forgive them, You are the Almighty, Most Wise."
The messenger will testify:
[25:30] The messenger said, "My Lord, my people have deserted this Quran."
And God will say:
[50:28] He said, "Do not feud in front of Me; I have sufficiently warned you.
[50:29] "Nothing can be changed now. I am never unjust towards the people."
[2:286] ... "Our Lord, do not condemn us if we forget or make mistakes. Our Lord, and protect us from blaspheming against You, like those before us have done. Our Lord, protect us from sinning until it becomes too late for us to repent. Pardon us, forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our Lord and Master. Grant us victory over the disbelieving people."
[2:201]..."Our Lord, grant us righteousness in this world, and righteousness in the Hereafter, and spare us the retribution of Hell."
[7:126]... "Our Lord, grant us steadfastness, and let us die as submitters."
Peaceful Friday, salaam, and God bless.