In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
The order of chapters of Quran, another miracle
The Qu’ran was given to Muhammad, the Last Prophet. Its revelation lasted 20 years and, of course, Muhammad wrote it down in its chronological order. He left the proper instructions to put all the Suras and all the verses at the right place.
19 years after his death, a committee was appointed to perform this very important task. For example, the first Sura revealed was “The Hanging (Embryo.)” Yet it was not placed as the first Sura of the Qu’ran. “The Hanging (Embryo)” was placed as the 96 th Sura of the Qu’ran. Indeed, according to the instructions left by the Prophet, “The Hanging (Embryo)” was to be the 96 th Sura of the Qu’ran. The first one being the 5 th Sura revealed: “The Key.” The committee just followed the instructions left by the Prophet. The Prophet was but a man – he just did what his Lord, the One and Only God, told him to do. He knew nothing about the Mathematical Miracle, for it was to be revealed during the computer age. See 10:20 and 27:82.
The fact that the order of the Suras of the Qu’ran is different from the order of revelation gives us a direct item for the Mathematical Miracle and confirms once again (See Appendix 1) the validity of the instructions left by the Prophet. It confirms beyond doubt that the collection and the writing of the Quran was all controlled by God Almighty, the author of the Quran Himself. See 75:16-17
To review the order of revelations of the suras of the Quran check appendix 23.
Let us write down the numbers of all the Suras of the Qu’ran preceded by their revelation order next to each other. Sura 1 is the 5 th Sura revealed, thus the number representing it looks like this: 5 1. Sura 2 is the 87 th Sura revealed, its number looks like this: 87 2. The number representing the first two Suras looks like this: 5 1 87 2.
Let us do the same with all the Suras. We get a final number that consists of 468 digits and that long number follows the same pattern of the rest of the Mathematical Miracle of the Quran, is a multiple of 19. See 74:30 "Over it is 19."
Here is the final number representing the Sura numbers preceded by their revelation order:
51 872 893 924 1125 556 397 888 1139 5110 5211 5312 9613 7214 5415 7016 5017 6918 4419 4520 7321 10322 7423 10224 4225 4726 4827 4928 8529 8430 5731 7532 9033 5834 4335 4136 5637 3838 5939 6040 6141 6242 6343 6444 6545 6646 9547 11148 10649 3450 6751 7652 2353 3754 9755 4656 9457 10558 10159 9160 10961 11062 10463 10864 9965 10766 7767 268 7869 7970 7171 4072 373 474 3175 9876 3377 8078 8179 2480 781 8282 8683 8384 2785 3686 887 6888 1089 3590 2691 992 1193 1294 2895 196 2597 10098 9399 14100 30101 16102 13103 32104 19105 29106 17107 15108 18109 114110 6111 22112 20113 21114
That number divided by the number 19 gives us:
27301523117953976652520427050058169027962954590239030008685141676010 23793326896435485843286434459288565752027886476700922784387281280811 24507230729441896874429601386507603445086681826902531920707930272448 54491449987129773398476621587364000576900559002437413947184777198775 09887884056406003809130227242040177779362199604251675172991493909396 67730930990047031066799958522699699448401366895257578495264742166369 54 264905811531857424300563953062162691637163748480105859006